The Beginner’s Guide to Tall Pink Gumboots
If you’re new here, it’s nice to meet you. And if you’re already familiar with Tall Pink Gumboots, how’s it going? It’s nice to see you again.
With the launch of our new website, we thought we’d take the opportunity to (re)introduce ourselves. For those of you who are new to TPG, please enjoy this definitive guide to thinking pink. For those of you who already know who we are, we thought we’d do a refresher course. (Please pay attention, this may come up in the exam).
What the heck does ‘Tall Pink Gumboots’ mean?
Yes, yes, we know, it’s an unusual name. If you’ve ever heard our name and asked yourself “what the heck does that mean?” then you’re in luck, because we’re here to answer that question.
As the story goes: back in the days when our chief boot, Liz, lived in London, the cold, grey weather really got her down. The sight of everyone wearing black and trudging to the Underground with their heads burrowed into scarves was so uninspiring that Liz decided to inject some colour into her life and the London scene. She went and bought the tallest, pinkest, brightest pair of gumboots she could find, and wore them every day. To this day you will probably spot Liz adventuring around Durban in her trademark pink boots, snapping pictures of sunrises and looking for the next beautiful spot to explore.
Our name serves as a reminder to add colour and fun to everything we do – to not just go with the status quo and trudge around with our faces buried into our scarves. At Tall Pink Gumboots, we like to live colourfully and keep the grey days away with our own special kind of sparkle.
Okay, but what on earth is digital marketing?
Decades ago, who would have thought that you could make a living managing social media pages, teaching websites how to be friends with Google, and strategising the best way to find new clients online? For any business, big or small, a strong and consistent online presence is one of your most important assets. The way consumers engage with brands has shifted massively. Businesses that don’t keep up will get left in the dust of the speeding behemoth that is digital advertising.
Digital marketing is many things and can encompass countless duties, but essentially it boils down to this: good digital marketing means people can find and engage with your brand online. It can be a consistent Instagram content schedule or a backend Facebook campaign. It can be a MailChimp newsletter or a monthly blog post or Google Adwords or anything in between. The possibilities are endless! At Tall Pink Gumboots, we do our best to offer clients the best fit for their purposes. From graphic design & copywriting to an all-encompassing digital strategy, we strive to do all we can to put your business on the (digital) map. Check out our services page to get a rundown of what we can do for you.
How does one ‘think pink’?
We’re passionate about the endless possibilities in the realm of digital marketing. What’s more, we’re always aiming to learn (and be able to do more for our clients). We’re crazy about adding colour to everything we do and we love a bit of cheeky humour. ‘Thinking Pink’ means being on the hunt constantly for new and exciting developments in the world of marketing. It means having fun with social media and not being scared to add that unicorn gif to the Instagram story. ‘Thinking Pink’ means getting excited about the connections we make through our phones and on our laptop screens. It means looking out over the sprawling landscape of the expanding digital world and pushing our shoulders back in confidence, ready to adventure through the digital jungle.
We’ll be posting something new on the blog every month! Make sure you check in here every once in a while for the latest updates on the digital world.
Okay, but like, who are you?
We’re four passionate Durbanites based in Westville. Read more about The Unicorn Squad (that’s what we call our team) on our team page and follow us on Instagram or Facebook if you want to be our friend!
New readers and old, it was so nice to see you.
(Oh, and we were kidding. There’s no exam.)