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Corporate Social Responsibility

Caring Beyond the Click

We believe no matter how big or small a business is, there is room to make a difference in the community.

/ Beach Cleanup
Every month we pull on our gumboots and gloves, and along with other volunteers collect up to 200 bags of rubbish at the Umgeni River Mouth. Partnering with the Duzi Conservation Trust the vision is to have a clean river with minimal pollution flow in the ocean.

/ Cast
Hearts to Hands
Hearts to Hands is a Relief Services Department within CAST. We donate food parcels and CAST distribute the parcels to families who are struggling in our city. The monthly food parcels, clothing and blankets as well as counseling all facilitate the journey of restoration from hopelessness and despair to faith, dignity and self-worth.


Listening to people’s testimonies and how this project has changed lives is life changing.

If you would like to assist or get involved in either of these projects, extra hands are always welcome!
Drop us an email on and we will send you more information.